I have been tagged....so here are the 6 things about me!
1. I love to bake...anything really, cakes, cookies, breads. I don't know why I just love it. The only real problem is that I have no self-control, so what ever I bake I tend to eat!
2. I am afraid of doing things wrong or not following the rules. I will wait forever for someone to help me, instead of just finding someone to help...I don't want to go anywhere I am not supposed to and get in trouble. (crazy, I know!)
3. I am a control freak.....not a super organized one, just one that feels like to world is ending when I am not in control. For example, when my oldest daughter won't take her nap and I have been looking forward to her nap all day, I need to be in control of the situation at that moment and I am not,,,it really feels like the world is ending.
4. I am not afraid of driving on bad ( 4 wheel drive type) roads. In fact I am proud of how well I drive on them!
5. I love to be artistic and creative. I think of things all the time that I would like to do, but unfortunately I lack the motivation to do most of them.
6. I love to kiss my little girls right between their eyes, on the bridge of their noses! Try it, it really is the sweetest place to kiss a little kid!
So now I tag . . . Erin , Shauna, Shannon
Good luck!